Welcome To WSDL2DCAT!
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Our Work

This is what we've done.

WSDL2DCAT converter

This web interface is an easy to use tool for external people who would like to search and inspect datasets. It utilises LDF Client and LDF Server behind the scenes. The design is compatible with all browsers and mobile devices.


We published lightweight linked Data with a Triple Pattern Fragments server. It requires minimal server effort and enables efficient client-side querying

Web interface

Our web interface uses a Triple Pattern Fragments client which can solve many SPARQL queries efficiently. As data reuser it is possible to browse between the linked data files and search for a specific catalog, dataset or distribution.


When you click on the image you get more information about the project.



WSDL2DCAT converter


Web interface


Problems and solutions

This timeline describes the problems we had and the solutions we've made.

  • Problem

    Standalone descriptions

    Fedict has some standalone description files of several services. The files are not queryable. There is no link between the services, nor their methods.

  • Solution


    With the wsdl2dcat converter there is a link from the service families down to the desciption of the service methods.

  • Problem

    Publishing linked open data

    How do we make the standalone files accessible?

  • Solution


    With the ldf-server every linked dataset can be accessed and queried by a ldf-client.

  • Problem

    Interface for data consumer

    Their is no easy queryable interface for data consumers.

  • Solution

    Web interface

    With the web interface it is possible for every data consumer to browse through all of the data layers. .

Our Amazing Team


Miguel De Strooper

Backend developer, Miguel is a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering. His main skills are backend development and network managment.

Umut Saglam

Backend developer, Umut is a Bachelor in Electronics & IT and oSoc alumni. His main skills are backend development and mobile development.

Sander Meert

Coach, Sander is a fullstack developer, oSoc alumni and ex-Open Knowledge intern. His skills range from coding for web to writing project proposals to bring in the big bucks.


Open Summer of code is a 4 week programme in different Belgian cities during the summer of 2016. The goal: provide Belgian based students the training, network and support necessary to transform open innovation projects into powerful real-world services.


Contact Us

Sint-Salvatorstraat 18/101, 9000 GENT

We work in the Dok Noord building called HAL26.
We live above the ’18A’ sign on the first floor and you can ring below the ’18’ sign in the image below.

Open Knowledge Belgium is an umbrella organisation (non-profit/vzw/asbl) for Open Knowledge initiatives. We’re a grass-roots (read: bottom-up) organisation that consists of people, mainly volunteers, passionate about openness, using advocacy, research, technology and projects to unlock information, enabling people to use and share knowledge.